Saturday, March 30, 2013

What's New in my World.

Hi there. I figured it would be time for a check-in. I hope you are all doing well. It is a beautiful 50 degrees right now. I am sitting in Dawnette's kitchen as I type this, watching the sunlight shine through, bright and strong. The birds are chirping. The snow is melting. The windows are open. Spring has sprung.

In 54 days, our team will be en route to Nepal. That's like, less than two months. Really. (That also means that in less that two months, I will be finished with school, which is another terrifying thought in itself.) How quickly time flies. I wish we could be heading to Nepal right now. I want, I want, I want to be there. I am so ready to experience all of these things I have been hearing about for the past couple of months.

I have been thinking all about what we will be doing when we are there, and I think the thing that sticks out most in my mind right now is going to the orphanage. I cannot wait until I get to play and run and laugh with the Nepalese children. I feel like I know them already. I just have to wait to meet them. :) My heart is full of joyful anticipation of what is to come. Maybe it's because I'm an education major, or maybe it's because I love kids, or maybe because it's because I get to play with kids in a country completely different from my own--whatever it is, I am so ready to love on those kiddos.

I am just under 1/2 way funded for the trip. I am so, so, so blessed by all of you. I am thrilled to see what God is going to do for our team, and I am thrilled that I get to be a part of it. And the really awesome thing is that by coming alongside me in my journey, whether financially or prayerfully or both, we are a team. We are partners going through this journey together. That is the coolest thing. Thank you for letting me share this adventure with you. :)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

How Sweet It Is.

So wouldn't you know it, but the time that I decide to write a post is the time that I am insanely busy and getting ready for the crazy week ahead. But, eh, I'll count this as my break for the day. I have so many thoughts and feelings and things to talk about, and it's all so amazingly wonderful. I am getting more and more excited as I am realizing that Nepal is a reality. It's happening. It's taking place. I am actually going to Nepal. Woah.

I wish we could be sitting in a coffee shop, sipping our drinks, and having this conversation face to face, so you could see what I'm feeling. Maybe that would help to explain some of my excitement. Because sometimes putting thoughts into words just isn't the same. But, until that time comes, I will try my best to share with you what has been happening in the world of Nepal planning.

Thanks to all of you wonderful people, I have $900 towards my trip. That means I am almost 1/3rd of the way funded. When I got the update in my email box, I was floored. You are all so generous and absolutely wonderful. I thank each and every one of you for the prayers and support that you have been sending my way. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for believing in me and believing in what God is and will be doing through our team. Know that as I type this now, I have a huge smile on my face. I am encouraged by you. :) Thank you.

Since my last post, we have had two training sessions. The first was an overnight weekend at Dawnette's church. We had a wonderful time of good, solid fellowship with one another and quiet time with the Lord. We also watched two documentaries about Nepal, which showed us what we will  see when we're over there. Someone even came in who has had a lot of experience with the country of Nepal to talk to us, answer questions, and share his experiences.

The most recent training session was yesterday. We learned about Hinduism and Buddhism, which are two prevalent religions in Nepal. The more we talked about this, the more I realized that what we are doing and what we will be seeing is going to happen. This is real. There are real people out there who are lost. They are searching for something--anything--to fill them. The word that kept popping up in my mind during training yesterday was the word fear. Fear. Fear. What an icky word. People all over the world are held in bondage by fear. Of the unknown. Of the future. Of public speaking. And we get to be a small part of their journey in letting go of the fear and embracing Jesus. I'm stoked man. Really stoked. Children. Lepers. Hindus. Buddhists. Lost. Afraid. Broken. Beautiful. Redeemed. All of them. People. And I get to meet them. :)