Sunday, April 28, 2013

I Can List the Things I Have Left on a Single Sheet of Paper.

The end of the academic year is in sight! There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It is just hidden by three finals, ten lesson plans, a couple of papers, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. For my friends who are in the thick of it with me and feeling torn between spring fever and needing to get everything done, hang in there. We are almost done!! :)

  As the 2012-2013 school year is coming to a close, I can enjoy and revel in the fact that I MADE IT THROUGH THIS SEMESTER, but, because I will be gone to Nepal and then to camp for three months, I also feel the pressure of needing to get everything else in line for other things I will be doing this summer (like watching one of my best friends get married!!!) and next semester. It is hard for me not to get overwhelmed with all of the little things that I need to do before I leave. This past weekend I was able to go home and buy some equipment for Nepal at discounted stores. Many of you have also been a huge blessing to me by letting me borrow equipment! (Special shout-out to Laura for going with me to REI and showing me what to get! :) I'd be so lost without you!) 

A couple of weeks ago we had a training night at Dawnette's house. We ate an authentic Indian meal much like the kind we will be eating when we're there. It consisted of rice, curry, chicken, and some kind of yellow thing that looked like corn. It has a name, but I don't remember what it is.... And we practiced eating with our fingers! I burned the tips of my fingers a couple of times, but I got the hang of it soon enough. After the meal, we discussed The Shack. It is true that this book is controversial, but I really appreciate the discussion we had about it. The author never really intended for this to be a book about the doctrine of the Holy Spirit... because it's not. It's a fiction book and that is how it should be taken. Anywho, it was very good. I love listening to discussions about things like this because I learn so much from other people and what they take away from it all. Then we watched a little bit of Bride and Prejudice (one of my favorite movies). It was a lovely night and made my very excited for what is to come!

As of a week ago, I am roughly a thousand dollars away from my goal of $3,500! WOW! I am blessed by all of you. Thank you for your prayers for the team, safety, and for the financial means to come in on time. I am so thrilled that you are choosing to join with me and be a part of my team. :) I have absolutely no idea where the rest of my funding is going to come from or when it's going to come in, but I know one thing for sure: it will, and God will provide.  I ask that you continue to be in prayer for us. All of my team members have a lot on their plate and thinking about a trip like this would add a lot to anyone's schedule. Thank you :)