Sunday, May 5, 2013

Embrace It. Whatever Comes, Embrace It.

I am curled up right now all cozy-like with my quilt wrapped snuggly around me keeping me warm. I have a cup of spicy tea steeping beside me, and occasionally I'll glance over and watch the tendrils of steam waft up to the ceiling. I'm also hacking up half a lung from this gosh darn cold I can't seem to shake, but that is beside the point. I'm really cozy right here. Really comfortable. If I wanted to, I could even extend this to say that my life in general is pretty comfortable too. I mean, sure I have an unknown future (who doesn't), but right now? Today? This week? I'm pretty comfortable where I am.

I have a feeling that in Nepal, I won't be very comfortable. There will be constant change. And constant new. And I'm really excited/terrified/nervous/anxious/joyful/scared for that impending occurrence.

I have forgotten what it is like to go into a place and be the minority. I have forgotten what it's like to for the abnormal to become an odd kind of normal. I have forgotten what it's like to have no other option but to trust God with every decision I make. I have forgotten.

During the school year, I am forced to plan out my life. And, frankly, it stinks. I've learned more about time management this year alone than I ever have before. I mean, it's a good thing to know but not a very fun thing to practice. After nine months of needing to have every day painstakingly planned out so everything can get done, it is hard to change mindsets to go from that to taking a step back from life, feeling free to do whatever, and having total flexibility in my life again. (I still have camp, but it's a different kind of schedule!) I miss the freedom, and I miss being able to live a non-stressful life. I think I am in store for learning a thing or two from the Nepalese culture. I think I will learn a lot about gratitude while in Nepal, and it is my hope and prayer that I will be able to take what I learn back with me here to America.

I am excited to embrace the unknown once again. :)


"Be careful how you live; you will be the only Bible some people ever read." -William J. Toms

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